As we head into Christmas in full throttle, amidst the mince pies, cocktail parties and nativity plays I always feel very reflective...
Something within me wants to stop the clock, just for a short time and take stock of everything around me.
Although Christmas in our house is a happy time, it's great to have the family together and have the time to catch up, however it's also a time to remember those who are missing. The obvious one is my Father who passed away very close to Christmas, and who also loved Christmas and family time.
With this in mind I always try not to be maudlin about it, he would have hated that but to focus and remember all the wonderful life skills he has taught me and how he nurtured me into adult life. If it wasn't for him I would never have been brave enough to start Glow, I now find myself embracing it, having open arms to new adventures and taking risks I didn't think I ever would.
Although this sounds strange, death actually taught me a lot. Life is short, Dad always lived every day to its fullest possible; he loved life and grabbed it by the balls.
He was my comfort blanket and protector and without him I was frightened I'd fall apart.
I did... for a while, but somehow pieced myself together like a jigsaw puzzle however this time I had an extra piece, which wasn't present before he died. An inner strength and thirst for life, I believe it's a little piece of his soul embedded within me, which I stole as he passed.
Looking forward to 2017, I plan to continue to grow and develop Glow, introducing new products and ideas. I am determined to fill our families’ lives with as much colour as possible and continue our adventure.